Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Before diving in, let's dip our toes into a little graph theory!

Review of Graph Theory

Spanning tree- is a subset of a graph, G, where each vertex connects with all other vertices in G without creating a cycle.

A                                        B
Figure 1: A shows a picture of a regular graph and B shows a picture of a spanning tree of the original graph

Disjoint spanning trees- two spanning trees are said to be disjoint if they have no common edges.

If you have any questions about spanning trees, let me know in the comments section and I will try to help clarify any confusion!

The Game of Bridg-It

Bridg-It is a two player board game that consists of two rectangular arrays of dots, one array for each player.  The players take turns placing an edge between two adjacent dots with their designated color.  Edges may not cross.  The object of the game is to create a continuous path of bridges from one side of the board to the other where their assigned color is but we also want to try and prevent the opponent from achieving the same goal.  The first person to create a bridge to the other side wins. 

Click here to play Bridg-It online and follow the directions to the right of the page.  This version isn't perfect but try it out to get a feel for how the game is played!

Before moving on, see if you can come up with any conjectures!  Do you see a pattern when you play, or a particular winning strategy?  Feel free to write them in the comments section!

Figure 2: Sample Bridg-It game

How might spanning trees apply?

Bridg-It consists of multiple spanning trees.  When given the game board, think about creating two disjoint spanning trees where there are no common edges between them.

To start, let’s create two edge-disjoint spanning trees in player 1’s graph (say he is blue) and allow the sides to be a single combined post or vertex.  This is an easy way to think about the game because the bridge only needs to connect with a single vertex of each side in order to win.  Note that it doesn’t matter which vertex it connects to. 

Next, we can connect all the vertices in the graph forming one original spanning tree.  When constructing the second spanning tree, we need to make sure not to share edges with the original spanning tree.  Below is a picture of how to go about this.

Figure 3: example of two disjoint spanning trees for player 1’s graph

Before beginning the game we can take away the circular edge of the original spanning tree connecting both posts since this is not part of the game.  Once the game has started, player 1 makes an arbitrary move and chooses an edge.  After playing this edge, player 1 is essentially using the edge in both trees making it a double edge. 

Player 2 cannot cut a double edge.  In other words, they cannot block both the original and second spanning trees (since they only have one move).  So they can only block the edge from one tree leaving the other tree connected for player 1 to continue their path. 

When player 2 makes their move, they are essentially “taking away” an edge from one of the spanning trees of player 1.  (This can be confusing so stay with me!!)

The strategy for player 1 is to block and defend the strategy of player 2.  In doing this, player 1 keeps creating double edges.  These double edges slowly form a tree that connects the opposite sides of the board to give player 1 a guaranteed win. 

Of course this goes without saying that player 1 can lose if they create a cycle or do not properly defend against player 2.  However, player 1 has the upper hand if they take use of this spanning tree advantage.


Do you have an understanding of what’s going on?  If so, great!  If not, try reading this section over a couple of times.  If you are still confused, let me know!  I do plan on going over this in class :)

The game of Hex

Hex is another connection game that is almost identical to Bridg-It.  Is is a two player game and is typically played on an 11x11 board with numerous hexagons that form a rhombus shape.  Both players are assigned a different color (i.e. red and blue).

The players take turns placing their colored hexes on the board and the pieces can only be placed on unoccupied spaces.  The object of the game is to have a path of hexes going to the opposite side of the board marked by their color.  The first player to complete their chain of pieces from one side of the board to the other is the winner.

Figure 4: sample of a hex game where the blue player wins

Ultimately, Hex and Bridg-It are the same only Hex uses hex pieces and Bridg-It uses lines or bridges.

Note that the application of spanning trees above can also be applied to Hex, however it is visually easier to see when applying it to Bridg-It.

Click here to play the game of Hex!

Strategy-Stealing Argument

In combinatorial game-theory, this argument shows that in many two player games (including Bridg-It and Hex), the second player cannot have a definite winning strategy and that there cannot be a draw/tie.  This is represented in a proof by contradiction.

Below is essentially an informal proof of this argument.

Proof by Contradiction:

1. Since either the first of second player wins, then one of them must have a winning strategy.

2. Assume the second player has a winning strategy.

3. Now the first player can “steal” or implement that strategy.  Let the first player make an arbitrary move.  Afterwards, he plays the winning strategy of the second player assumed above.  In playing this strategy, if he has to play on the cell where an arbitrary move was made, he makes another arbitrary move.  In this way, the first player plays the winning strategy with one extra piece always on the game board.

4. This extra piece will not interfere with the first player’s imitation of the winning strategy because an extra piece is always an asset in the game.  Hence, the first player can win.

5. Since we have contradicted our original assumption that there is a winning strategy for the second player, we therefore conclude that there must be a winning strategy for the first 

Hold up!  You mean to tell me that player 1 can just steal player 2’s strategy!?  Oh yeah…it’s like taking candy from a baby (that baby being player 2)!

Since the first player is guaranteed to win, sometimes players use the pie rule (swap rule) to make things fair.  This allows the second player to choose whether to swap positions with the first player after the first player makes the first move.

Applying strategy-stealing to other games

What makes strategy stealing so important is that we can apply it to games we have already seen!  We have actually seen this in 2-pile Nim!

…I didn’t see that coming!  Just kidding.  It seems like everything that we have talked about thus far in Game Theory relates back to Nim!

In my presentation, we will see just how the strategy-stealing argument applies to 2-pile Nim.


The strategy-stealing argument is very important because we can apply it to many other two-player games that cannot end in a draw.  Thus, we know strategy-stealing can be applied to Hex, Bridg-It, and Nim but what about other games?

Food for thought:  If you find yourself playing Bridg-It or Hex with a friend, you most definitely want to go first!  If you have a general understanding of spanning trees, you can use this to your advantage when playing these two games.  Understanding how to use two disjoint spanning trees is a key strategy that can help you win.

Questions that might strike your fancy:

1. Can you think of any other two player games that the strategy-stealing argument applies to?  If so, how might it apply?

2. How might the strategy-stealing argument be applied to 2-pile Nim?

3. Are there any differences in how strategy-stealing might be applied to 2-pile Nim versus Hex and Bridg-It?

And…We’re done!!


Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 2017. s.v “Hex (board game).” Accessed February 7, 2017. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hex_(board_game).

Sandy Dean. “The Game of Bridg-It.” July 1, 2008. Accessed February 7, 2017. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1009&context=mathmidexppap.


  1. Hey Haley- I'm a little confused on how you constructed the two spanning trees in the image at the beginning of your explanation. Are you building possible paths to win the game? If so, why doesn't it connect completely from one side to the other?

    1. Yes, those are two possible paths to win the game using two disjoint spanning trees. It is more of a visual aid of what p1's options are to get to the other side of the board.

      In your next question I think you are talking about the posts on either side of the board? If so, the picture is only showing one vertex on each side because we only need to connect to a single vertex on either side of the board. So If we wanted to we could move those two posts to another location in the same column, however we would need to make sure that we still maintain two disjoint spanning trees. I hope this cleared everything up!

  2. Loved the Gif's. Also thought the Strategy Stealing was really cool. Quick question about Bridg-It. In the blue and red example picture you put above, can one player start from the bottom and go to the top, while the other player starts from the left and go to the right? And vice versa?

    1. Thank you! And that is right. If you were p1 and were blue then your goal would be to create a connected bridge from the left to the right of the board. If I was p2 and were red then I would want to create a bridge from the top to the bottom of the board.

      But if p1 wanted to be red then they would go from the top to bottom and p2 would be blue and would go from left to right.

      So in that picture shown, whatever player who was blue won since they were able to successfully create a connected bridge.

  3. Hey Haley, great job explaining what a spanning tree is! I have a question about the section, "How might spanning trees apply," specifically when player 1 makes the first move and you say, "player 1 is essentially using the edge in both trees making it a double edge." I'm a little confused about what you mean by a double edge. If an edge exists in one spanning tree of a graph, then it can't exist in the second spanning tree (like in the picture). So how is the edge used in both trees? Maybe we'll talk about it in class.

  4. Thank's Molli! In the picture you are mentioning, we are only looking at the graph for p1 (say they are blue) so we are only looking at the blue dots. In figure 2, imagine removing the red dots completely. Then we are left with the blue dots and can create two disjoint spanning trees. These are used to show us the potential paths we can take to get to the other side (left to right).

    Now once we start the game, p1 goes first and draws a bridge/edge on their graph so when they draw an edge, it will be overlapping either spanning tree. That is what the third image in figure 3 is showing. It is both disjoint spanning trees on top of each other. So when p1 creates their bridge/edge, it is a double edge because it is connected to BOTH spanning trees. I will go over this more thoroughly in class as it is hard to explain in writing!

    figure 2

  5. The stealing strategy made me think of Minoa, the game I'm going to be talking about next Tuesday, so I'll have to look at it more and see if I can incorporate it into my blog/presentation. Quick question, is the swap rule just for after the first move is played?

    1. Very cool! Yes, the swap rule is just after the first move is played. If I went first and you went second and we played with the pie rule then you could have the option of switching positions with me (you would now become the first player and I would become the second player) and the game would continue from there.


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